jenkie's response to the HOT TOPIC: Name the one thing that your friends do to just tick you off.
I am, most often, pretty punctual and when I make plans to meet people at a certain time I'd HOPE they'd be on time but with certain people that's not usually the case. I bugs me a bit when people are late, then it throws off the rest of the plans. I never really want to be the one making the plans but in order for things to go right I feel like I have to do it myself. I hate when things are uncertain and I hate the phrase "i dunno". but usually it just comes down to that and lately I've come to get used to it. But it still bugs me

I'm currently at work and time is going by so slowly!! Why?!? The FOP is here also OY LEAVE ME ALONE.

Anyway I'm listening to my Beau cd so I dont feel as bored because its not to quiet in here to me anymore.
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