Based on the extreme pyschological advanced quiz you just took, it has been determined that you are Angelic! You are very caring, helpful and pure of heart. You don't go out of your way to lie, hurt feelings or do anything that wouldn't benefit someone. Your friends are very lucky to have you!

Congratulations, you are a Water Faerie! This means you are giving, helpful, sensitive and are good with healing the wounds and pain of your loved ones and friends. Water faeries love to aid others and are very good at it! Not only are you all of these things, but you are a great friend to have because you know how to make friends in need feel much better.

Fiesty You turn heads and like it. Being shocking and causing people to talk is what you're all about. After all, the world would be a pretty boring place if it weren't for you.
I'm trying not to clean my room, write my paper, or think.. i think its working so far
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