WOOOOOOOO I PASSSEDDDDDD I HAVE A LICENCE.. well sort of a piece of paper that says I can drive!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAa haha i can go for some signing right now.. Pretty Fly for a White Guy please :D
\\ sticky . rice \\
Friday, July 26, 2002
Road test tomorrow.. need I say more??!?!?!?! I'm so scared.. I'm scared like shit in my pants and sit down on it scared! OMGGGGGG
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Ply, check this out and lemme know if you like it. I think its much better than blogger and we shouldnt have problems with it ever going down because it will be supported on my brother's webserver, which 95% does not go down on its own accord... so if we decide to use moveable type sticky rice will be moving to mousebox.org
HOT TOPIC response: I dont really have little theories about my friends. I hardly have any to begin with.
I had to go to the bathroom before so I went downstairs and walked in and there was a guy (a male janitor) cleaning the sinks. I was like uhhh... I'll just come back later. lolz. Should there be males cleaning women's bathrooms? There's hardly ever anyone in the restrooms downstairs that's why I go there instead of the more public one.
Rewind even more: 8AM this morning the doorbell rings. I decide I dont want to get up to answer the door so my brother does. Its the LIPA (Long Island Power Authority) man coming to check the readings on the house. Later my brother was like "I dont like that. How do you really know its the LIPA guy? All he has is a little thing he carries around to record the numbers with and a LIPA shirt. Anybody could do that.... He should have a little LIPA scooter, then maybe I'll believe him." lolz. I dont even know why the guy came around that early. Everyone on my whole block goes to work in the morning so he didnt really have too much to check.
Sims is a very addicting, time-consuming game. I cant seem to tear myself away as hard as I try. 10 mins until work time... even though I'm already signed in.
Saturday, July 20, 2002
HOT TOPIC: Do you have these little theories about your friends, and if so are they true?
I have this theory about my friends. It feels like I'm competing for them, and I always seem to be in the shadow when this girl is around. I made this theory up that if she wasnt there I would be called out and if she was then I wouldnt be. So far, my theory has proved me true numerous of times. Maybe its me...
I'm hoping that happy dancy music will make me feel better
Thursday, July 18, 2002
It seems to me that sticky.rice has been abandoned. =T I never seem to know what to write/discuss on this blogsite.. I should think Harder. Well all I've been doing today is watch music videos online and dl music.. fun huh. yup *Looks around* ok... bye
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Friday, July 12, 2002
Monday, July 08, 2002
Quick recap on my lovely weekend. Friday spent quality time with my sister getting a pedicure (dont know what the fuss is over.. its OVER RATED) , Saturday woke up early went to paulie's house, walked around the woodside fair with Joe and Lucky, got a nummy but not spicy italian sausage, Kenny drove me to Yui's house were I felt a bit uncomfortable at first but it got better. Chilled with Jenkie, sorry if I didnt chill with you so much i was in an athletic mood. Became VERY HAPPY at night sitting on the grass watching the guys have a slam dunk contest. (The guy I like gave me this out of the blue more than 10 second hug x) ) Watched Grease, played some 7 card and 5 card stud poker, Taboo (richard sucks at the game LOL), found a cat, Played a fun fun game, slept on a chair, Everyone jumped into the yucky pool, Me and Yui were thrown in. Brader picked me up, went to his house, met up with don, slept, ate watched tv for 6 hours, just plan old bonded.. This was a great Weekend!!!!!! I have more details on saturday/early sunday at Expressions From The Heart
Friday, July 05, 2002
I hate when I lose my remote control in my room. Then I end up running around my room trying to find the remote when I could just as easily walk to the tv and change the channel in the same amount of time of me rummaging through stuff to find the remote to change the channel.

Wednesday, July 03, 2002
I hate not knowing my way. I dont like to be lost because I dont like not knowing where I'm going. I dont like knowing who my true friends are. I dont like the way I've changed. I dont like being an introvert. I wish I wasnt wounded. I wish I could have this crystal ball that showed me whatever I wanted to see. I hate it when people who dont know me all that well speak for me. I hate a lot of things.
find out why I feel the way I do at www.ply.blogspot.com
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
jenkie's response to the HOT TOPIC: Name the one thing that your friends do to just tick you off.
I am, most often, pretty punctual and when I make plans to meet people at a certain time I'd HOPE they'd be on time but with certain people that's not usually the case. I bugs me a bit when people are late, then it throws off the rest of the plans. I never really want to be the one making the plans but in order for things to go right I feel like I have to do it myself. I hate when things are uncertain and I hate the phrase "i dunno". but usually it just comes down to that and lately I've come to get used to it. But it still bugs me

I'm currently at work and time is going by so slowly!! Why?!? The FOP is here also OY LEAVE ME ALONE.

Anyway I'm listening to my Beau cd so I dont feel as bored because its not to quiet in here to me anymore.
Monday, July 01, 2002
Another fine night at home... guess what I'm doing.. You guessed it TAKING QUIZZES!

How random are you?
this quiz was made by alanna

Sure you've used MTV for a bit of publicity, but who hasn't? You have an original style and many people like it. Keep it up.
Which band are you?

Super Teen Extrodinaire
Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.

Girls, commence drooling now.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.

The background character in Freakazoid.
Find out what secondary animated character you are.

Find out what anime girl you are.

Find out what bishonen you are.

What fuzzy creature are you?


Find out if you are gay, bi, or str8.

Ooooo Shiney!
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?

I fire
I think I keep this blog interesting :D
Hot Topic: Name the one thing that your friends do to just tick you off.
I hate it when people I dont know all that well think they know me so well. They start to say all these things that are not true. I cant really blame them because its my "old" friends that start this small little rumor. So I guess I hate it even more when people I'm "close" with do it. I guess that its ok when the people I dont know all that well make these assumptions, but what right do the people I'm "close" to have the right to do that. If they knew me they would go off and start yapping away on things they dont even know. I hate it when people call me a gold digger. If they ever seen me with my significant other they would know that i'm not. The most I would ever ask my significant other to do is to order for me. I always offer to pay and I can open my own doors. I'm not the typical girl. Sometimes all I can do is just be me.. but why all of a sudden the bashing and defamation of my name. Now my "old" friends wonder why I dont introduce them to my significant others.Every girl wishes for pretty things, sometimes I joke about it but I never ask for them. They should see the real me before they start to make any assumptions.