Today I had a half hour of sleep. Yesterday I went with Yui,Jenkie,Miyoung, Paul, Kenny and May to Yui's cousin's sweet sixteen. I guess that it was fun, but it got better when the guy I like came over to Yui's. He came straight from work cause he wanted to watch the game. So we all just chilled. Jenkie already went home and Yui and Miyoung knocked out. So me Paulie, Con, and "X" just chilled. Paulie and Con couldnt hang so "X" and I just watched some tv,talked and bugged out. He made me laugh so much.
I dont think anyone has made me that happy in a while. Well we watched the Korea v Turkey game and I fell asleep for a couple of mins and i woke up cause of the screams (they thought that Korea scored but it didnt count or something)
i saw him look over at me. Well after that I was awake and I was watching the game and from time to time he would look over at me so
I was pretty happy. well after the game he had to go home cause he didnt sleep and he had work at 5 so he left and i was a bit sad. I tried so i went sleep. It worked for a half hour and then my bestfriend called me. He wanted to chill with me and he picked me up at Yui's so I left my friends and I hung out with him. We didnt do much, just drove back to his house, talk, took his mom to a flowershop, we did some play fighting and now hes sleeping.I just realized that I havent eaten anything since the party last night and I didnt even eat that much.. I'm a bit hungry since its 4pm. Damn i need food. well I'm going to leave soon so maybe I can eat at home.
p.s. my chapstick melted in his car :(