i'm a cat.
what kinda pet are you?
quiz made by muna.
ahhh so many things to do.. write my papers, read poo soon it will all be over and I hope I can finish everything soon!
Today was my buddy Jennay's birthday! I'm not sure if she was all that happy but I hope she was. A couple of us planned out this surprise party at the VERY LAST minute. haha I have to say that it turned out well. Paulie and I took her out while a couple of people broke into her house and decorated it. I have to say it was really nice for 2 rolls of streamers and some balloons.
Rain, rain go away; Come back another day! I dont mind the rain cuz I like the soft pitter-patter sound but going out in it SUCKS. The bottoms of my pants are all wet xP I'm just chillin til I get a little drier so I can walk around my room without making a muddy mess. I should vacuum in here (even if my stupid lil dust buster does nothing! It doesnt suck up anything!) Roomie's side of room is messier than mine (in terms of the floor being litters with little specs of stuff). AnyhOos... I've been neglecting my blogs; its hard keeping THREE of them. More people seem to read the Xanga one more even though Xanga blows! I have to post on my greymatter one, I havent posted there in TWO days. Nothing interesting has been going on anyway. Okay.. I must stop babbling about boring stuff; I have to program now! xP *muah* misses and kisses to Ply! Hope you come to China Night!
I just came back from my fencing dinner. It seems to me that I like my team mates better than so of the friends I have. I seem to be avoiding a certain person, but I dont think they see it. Why should they when they've been avoiding my feelings. I dont care how close we are, I dont like being treated this way. I will not be ignored this time. Empty promises are not allowed at this table anymore. I'm saying it now, I GIVE UP I hold up my hands in the air, I'm walking away and I dont want to look back. I don't care if you just realize what you've lost, I finally know what I'm worth, and its a heck of a lot more than what you've given me. If I lose everything I dont care, because I will now do anything for happiness...
haha.. sorry I've been MIA from sticky rice! I miss you too Ply! Can't wait til next weekend.. you're comin' down right? You better! AnyhOos... I have a new guy on the mind now hah.. Ply already knows but I dont want to say anything to jinx it hah.. We talk more, which is good, but then it gets awkward when there's silence. He never likes when I dont talk when I'm on the phone with him heh. Well I'm not stressing it. I'm not going to see him for a while 3 1/2 months after finals are over so no need to get attached, right? Okay I'm getting sleepy... even when I did take a nap today too heh...
No more math for me :) I just withdrew from my class yesterday :) I'm so happy. I had some good bonding time with one of my favorite people, Alex. Found out that Bill Clinton is going to be holding a lecture at my school on May 6th so I dont have to go to Chinese class cause its going to be a Mad House in my school that day. Everything seems to be going excellent right now. People have been giving me bad vibes on the phone but I'm not letting that get me down. I have notes to take but I'm oh so LAZY! i need to get my BUTT in check ASAP! haha I better go and do my notes now ... poo
I dont know if my life is going according to plan.. but it sure is getting better. I got my History test back today and I got a 92. I have to say thats one of my highest scores this semester.. I always liked History and by me doing well on this tests.. it brings back memories.. i wish that the same would happen with math. I can picture my late math teacher, Mr. Drillings, saying to me that I can do math... i miss him.. he was always my source of confidence.. he had confidence in me and I thought that was a big push. He showed me that I can tackle these problems and i can actually do them.. I wish I could go up to him and just ask him for help or those words of encouragement...
So its almost 4:30am and I'm bloggin! I just got back from the Indian Fashion Show after party. The show was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good.. makes me wish I could organize a Thai show but that will never happen.. Not enough Thai people! The after party was aight... cept for the $20 fee to get in!!! WTF is that.. my god they made mad money.. even show participants had to pay money. Thats messed up. But I had fun. I kinda got my "freak" on with Ben =x I dont know what's wrong with me. Whenever I'm around testasterone, I just always want to be near them, always want to be hugged or held or just plain flirty!! So bad, I know it. I had fun at the party though.. and I drank! Not much really. Ben got a midori sour and I just had a couple sips. I had to drink something! It was mad hot up in there. Yea so I hafta get up tomorrow and try to program =T I better call it a night.
Today is David's 21st birthday [David Wu]. I just wanted to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY I think I'll write about him since its his b-day. David was my first "real" boyfriend. We still have this argument about how we met, haha I swear that he told me to "massage his head", but thats not the point. We met when I was in the 7th grade and we started going out. I loved being with him, haha we would lock ourselves in my friend's bathroom and just sit there and talk and do a little kissy kissy LOL. I remember why we broke up too.. He didnt tell me that he moved and I was crushed that he lied to me..but we went out again.. I think we went out about 5 times. He always seems to find me when I've disappeared. He always seems to know what to say when I'm down. Hes very persistant in telling me how special i am, even though to this day I still dont believe him. Its too bad that we're not going out anymore.. but I guess its my fault. I wish him the best and I hope to see him again.
I've been playing around with a new background for my website while talking to my Pookie. We discussed how I felt about my "friends" and it makes me wonder if I deserve to be treated this way. I'm sure that I did not ask my "friends" for anything. I feel like every promise to change was an empty promise. Jef told me to just take off for a week and not tell anyone, and when I come back then they will miss me. Why would it take me leaving and not telling them where I'm going for them to miss me. I dont see these people all that often, and when we do see each other... they treat me no different from the day I told him how I felt. Sometimes I feel that whatever I say to them, just goes in one ear and out the other. I just don't want that title the gave me, I don't want it to be all a lie. I;ve been working too hard to try to bring myself up, but it just doesnt seem to be working. I can't feel like this anymore because its not good for me. I just want to go away and never come back. I want to be forgotten, I want to start all over. I just want to disappear, so I can find out who I am and what I'm worth..
David: Would you say my mind is immature?
I'm actually in a tutorial class right now and I dont know what is going on because I came in 10 mins late heh.. And the TA is having a problem and is phoning another TA on his cell right now heh... I'll have to stay for the next session to understand what's going on. Oh well. I have a paper cut on my finger and it STINGS. I hate paper cuts :(
Its almost 7pm and I havent even started my program for CSE 333 (which is due tomorrow) yet. Oh well. I think I'm going to hand in this assignment late heh... I'm so lazy and this weather is not helping at all. I took a nice long shower and I feel a lot better but it didnt cure my laziness :)
I got this im today from, David
Today wasnt a bad day. I got my math test back and it didnt bother me. I didnt let it get me down, I just let my life go on as if nothing happened. I was supposed to meet up with David but it didnt work out this time. It never really does anymore. Maybe we should just not try to meet up. You know just to save ourselves time :)
Randomness || I fell asleep with my contacts in last night and didnt realize it at all til I woke up til morning and my eyes felt funny. So I took them off for an hour and then put them back in before I went out to class...
Ben tells me I work too much. I dont think that's such a bad thing. So what if I work too much? Is it so bad that I want good grades, I want to graduate with honors and get a good job??? He doesnt like that I work, I dont like that he drinks and lacks .. determination... like he knows what he wants from life but doesnt do anything about it. He thinks I dont have fun. I'm sorry but drinking every Thursday night does not constitute as fun in my dictionary. I have fun sometimes when I'm with my friends and what not. I just happen to be career-driven with goals and aspirations set ahead of me and will do whatever it takes to get to that point. Everything in my life is a result of something. I dont think Ben realizes WHY I'm so neurotic when it comes to me and my work. Someday he'll know.
well i dont really feel like writing a whole new entry so i'm cutting and pasting what I wrote on Expressions From the Heart :)
You know what's funny? For as long as ever, Dan has always been my 'standard' for all males in my life hah... Then all of a sudden I met him... In all honesty, it was one smile and the way he looked at me that hooked me to him. It sounds stupid but there was something pure about it. Well maybe I'm just naiive. But he really got me to open my eyes and realize there are guys out there that could amount to more than Dan was (at the time we went out); even if he didnt turn out to be the one. Only few people would understand how significant this is... Me looking past Dan... I just never thought I could ever do that. Okay, I sound insane.
I woke up in a panic cuz the first thing I thought of was my Midterm today... So I got up on the first alarm ring so that I'd have time to compose myself and get my thoughts straight ... hafta go to work soon and cram for my exam... Wish me luck!
I finally finished my paper.. i made it 4 pages long. FINALLY I CAN SLEEP!!!
You know when I went to Wat today... er... yesterday... Mike kept bringing me food lolz. We sat outside and ate and after he would finish he would be like "be right back" and then come back with something else, one for him, one for me lolz. I cant hang out with that kid for too long, I'll eat too much!!
Happy New Year! I cant believe that I actually went to Wat today but it was pretty fun. Hung out with childhood friends and just played like kids. I miss those days where you can just run around screaming and not have a care in the world! So Jenny has been working on this blog site haha she just added some more links and things like that, I could have did that. Maybe I might start to work on some stuff with Photoshop and send her the stuff and see if she can use my ideas.. thats if I can get photoshop to work! haha yups, better get going and see what my friends are doing and go back to wat and get some REVENGE on people!
I'm adding my post here so it doesnt look like I blog too much in a day hahah. AnyhOos... I dont know if people will get angry with me but I started talking to him again... it was sort of an impulsive thing. I put him back on my buddylist over the weekend and tried the best I could not to IM him the past two days, but then last night I just decided to say hi to see what he was up to. Turns out that he's dropping out of the Comp Sci major and is going to do Finance/Marketing... which means he may have to transfer to a different school. So there's a bunch of things going on with him; so I dont blame him for feelin' bleH sometimes. I tried to cheer him up a little but I dont know whether or not it worked. Oh well. But yea, so I started talking to him again and I still think it was wrong what he did to me, but I figure if I shut people out like that then I wont have many friends in life. I dont know if that makes sense. He's a jerk, yet I want to be friends with him? Haha... yea. Perhaps someday I'll learn WHY he did that to me. Girls are weird sometimes.